If you have an existing supplier in China, we will help you to make the whole process even easier.

With TesenFufill Inventory Storage Services

You can rest assured that your fulfillment warehouse is in expert hands. As a complete fulfillment warehouse solution,we offer world class service and support.

Tesenfufill has the capability and flexibility to manage your distribution and build your brand in a cost-effective way. Our complete warehouse fulfillment solutions help you attain higher customer satisfaction and loyalty through fast, accurate, reliable processing and shipping of your products.

Beginning with the receiving process to the confirmation of shipment, a professional and highly controlled environment is maintained. Our warehouse is equipped to ship by any carrier and to make use of all techniques of optimizing delivery metrics to ensure the most efficient means of delivery. We are also capable of assembly, kitting, gift wrapping, preparing personalized messages with packages, providing specialized inserts, customizing your packing slips and deploying innovative packaging solutions.

Want to get manufacture’s best price from China? And fulfill your orders to your customers in the most prompt way?

Want to get manufacture’s best price from China? And fulfill your orders to your customers in the most prompt way?
Hey, I'm Sunny Chen. My team & I are determined to help you grow the business rapidly to the next level. Get in touch and find out how we can make your Dropshipping easier.
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We offer the best price and dropshipping services to help you grow your dropshipping business
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